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Privacy Policy California.

California Privacy Notice and Policy

Last Modified and Effective Date: June 10, 2021

This notice and policy supplements information contained in privacy disclosures from Little Kitchen Academy Ltd and its corporate business affiliates (“LKA”) and applies solely to residents of the State of California (“consumers” or “you”). Any terms defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended from time to time (“CCPA”) have the same meaning when used in this notice and policy. This notice and policy does not reflect our collection, use, or disclosure of California residents’ personal information where an exception under the CCPA applies. You can download a pdf version of the notice and policy here.


You have the right to request that we disclose what personal information we collect, use, or disclose about you specifically (“right to know”). To submit a request to exercise the right to know, please submit an email request to

LKA will ask that you provide certain information to verify your identity. The information that we ask you to provide to verify your identity will depend on your prior interactions with us and the sensitivity of the personal information at issue. LKA will respond to your request in accordance with the CCPA. If we deny your request, we will explain why.

When a business sells your personal information, you have a right to opt out of such sale. LKA does not sell, and in the preceding 12 months did not sell, California residents’ personal information. LKA does not have actual knowledge that it sells the personal information of minors under 16 years of age.


We have set out below categories of personal information we collect about California residents and have collected in the preceding 12 months. For each category of personal information we have collected, we have included the reference to the enumerated category or categories of personal information in California Civil Code § 1798.140(o)(1) that most closely describe such personal information.

Corresponding reference to category of personal information under CCPA definition of personal informationCategory of personal information
A. Identifiers.First and last name, billing address, telephone number, e-mail address, account name, order information, payment details, payment history, IP address
B. Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records Act (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)).Bank account number, credit or debit card information and payment reference number allergies, special needs, date of birth,
C. Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law.Physical/Mental disability or medical condition, Age
D. Commercial information.Purchase history
E. Biometric Information.
F. Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an Internet Web website, application, or advertisement.Times of visit, time spent on website, network location and IP address, operating system, date and time stamps of action
G. Geolocation data.Region location
H. Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.Security camera footage, photography, video
I. Professional or Employment related information.
J. Education information.Location of school attending
K. Inferences drawn from any of the information. 

LKA collects such information from the following categories of sources: 

  • Directly from you. For example, when you contact or request information from us including via the LKA websites or when you create a LKA account.
  • Third Parties, including Service Providers. For example, service providers that LKA uses and other third parties that LKA chooses to collaborate or work with.
  • Using cookies and automatic collection methods. LKA and its service providers may collect information from the computer, tablet, phone, or other device that you install our mobile application on, that you use to access our websites, or that you use to open an email or click on an advertisement from LKA. LKA does not respond to “do not track signals”. See our Cookie Notice here.

LKA collects, uses, retains, and discloses your personal information for the purposes described below: 

To provide you with our services, such as to: use the websites and process your payments; process, maintain and service your account(s); adjust services based on individual needs including dietary restrictions and special needs 

  • Register an account, manage user relationship, and communicate with you;
  • Measure user engagement with the websites, and detect viewing history;
  • Handle and record consumer rights requests, including opt-ins and opt-outs;
  • Monitor, protect and improve LKA security assets and resources, including devices, systems, customer data, infrastructure, and LKA network; and
  • Comply with laws, regulatory requirements and to respond to lawful requests, court orders and legal processes.


In the preceding 12 months, LKA disclosed the above categories of personal information to the following categories of third parties for a business purpose, in some cases as directed by you:

  • [LKA Affiliates. For example, LKA affiliates may share business processes and common data systems.]
  • Third parties and service providers that provide products or services to us. For example, companies that help us support our websites, or that provide services to you. LKA may use third parties or service providers to help with auditing interactions and transactions with you, addressing security, fixing errors, helping us with advertising or marketing, maintaining accounts and providing customer service, helping with our internal research, and verifying service quality or safety.

You have a right to request the deletion of personal information that we collect or maintain about you. To submit a request to delete personal information, please submit an email request to

LKA is required verify your identity. The information that LKA asks you to provide to verify your identity will depend on your prior interactions with us and the sensitivity of the personal information at issue. Once confirmed, LKA will respond to your request in accordance with the CCPA. LKA will provide an explanation for denying a request. 


You may not be discriminated against because you exercise any of your rights under the CCPA in violation of California Civil Code § 1798.125. 


You can designate an authorized agent to make a request under the CCPA on your behalf if:

  • The authorized agent is a natural person or a business entity registered with the Secretary of State of California and the agent provides proof that you gave the agent signed permission to submit the request; and
  • You directly confirm with LKA that you provided the authorized agent with permission to submit the request.

If you use an authorized agent to submit a request to exercise your right to know or your right to request deletion, please 

provide any information LKA requests in our response to your email to verify your identity. The information that LKA asks you to provide to verify your identity will depend on your prior interactions with us and the sensitivity of the personal information at issue.

If you provide an authorized agent with power of attorney pursuant to Probate Code sections 4121 to 4130, it may not be necessary to perform these steps and we will respond to any request from such authorized agent in accordance with the CCPA.


If you have any questions or comments about this notice and policy, the ways in which we collect and use your personal information, your choices and rights regarding such use, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Postal address: 4 Beech Lane, Morristown, NJ 07960, United States
